Autour de la Bible Polyglotte


Windows about Plantin

While the bibliothèque Mazarine is having the exhibition “Un siècle d’excellence typographique : Christophe Plantin & son officine (1555-1655)“, we are showing in our windows a few books printed by the Officina Plantiniana.

You’ll be able to see, among other books:

The Dialogi sex contra summi pontificatus… by Cope, printed by Plantin in 1566 in a beautiful contemporary gilded vellum.

The famous Deux livres des venins by Jacques Grevin, printed en 1568.

A collection of 6 treaties in 1 volume forming the Apparatus for Plantin’s Bible Polyglotte, printed between 1571 and 1572.

Tacitus’ Opera, together with the Commentary and Notes, all published by Plantin in 1585.

A reunion of three books by Juste Lipse, printed in 1617-1618 in a fine decorated Flemish binding.

And the De Symbolis heroicis by Pietrasanta printed by Balthasar Moretus in 1634.

Those books, as well as others, can be found in the “books” section here.

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